Salary Tax Calculator
Salary Tax Calculator has been made to help you in calculating Income Tax on your salary. This calculator is for individuals having salary income in excess of 75% of his total taxable income.
Simply select the tax year, feed your monthly taxable salary income below.
Salary Income tax slabs for Tax Year 2025
The salary tax calculator used above has been built on the slabs provided below;

Salary Income Tax Slabs for Tax Year 2024
The salary tax calculator used above has been built on the slabs provided below;
How is the tax calculated paid?
If your salary is more than Rs. 600,000/- per annum, your employer is responsible for deduction of tax under section 149 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
Your employer will deduct the tax from your salary and will deposit it to the Government on your behalf.
However, it does not mean that if your employer did not collect tax from your salary, your salary is exempt.
You are responsible to declare your income in your income tax return for the tax year and adjust the taxes deducted by your employer.
In case you have other income besides your salary income or your employer has deducted lower tax, then at the tax short deducted is payable with the Income tax return for the tax year under consideration.
How to reduce the withholding tax?
If you have paid withholding tax on any other source of income, and believe that your will have a tax refund at the end of the tax year to FBR.
Rather than claiming your tax refund at the end of the tax year and waiting for the income tax refund. You may alternatively submit the proof of such tax payments/ deductions to your employer, who will reduce the withholding tax on your salary by the same amount.